
No title

2003/12/23 (Tue) ※ひさしぶりに続きです。 もう何がなんやら。 数日後。 鈴原さんが来ました。 「父さん! もういいけげん仕事を辞めてくれないか!」 「これだけは絶対にゆずれん!」 「体を壊したのも、全部仕事のせいだろうが!」 「だからといって辞め…


2003/11/16 (Sun) ※この話は続きものです(以下略)。 回数すら忘れているところに愛のなさがうかがえます。 一体、なぜなのでしょう? 普通は、家族の人は退院が早いことを喜ぶものですが。 まず考えられるのは、家族が患者さんのことを嫌っている場合。 そ…

ある愛の唄 (その3)

2003/10/17 (Fri) ※この話は前回からの続きですよ。 読んでない方は第1回からお読みいただけると幸いです。 その「事件」はひとりの来訪者から始まりました。 ぼくはナースステーションで事務作業をしていました。 すると、突然声がかかりました。 「わたく…


2003/10/14 (Tue) ※この話は前回からの続きです。 朝です。 例の患者さんが気になりますが、夜勤が明けたので帰ります。 眠いです。 日勤番の同僚がやってきました。 「おはよう〜」 彼女たちは元気いっぱいです。 「……おはよ」 ぼくたち夜勤組はぐったり。 …


2003/10/13 (Mon) ぼくの名前は葵。 病院で看護師をしています。 「ぼく」といっても女性です。彼氏はいません。 時間帯が不定期だから。 でも、寿退社する同僚もいるのですが。 まあ、それはともかく。 働いている病院は、仲間うちでは「流刑」病院といわれ…

TOEIC No.101

2003/09/28 (Sun) Today I took TOEIC. It is No.101. I took in a college campus. We entered here. In this test , Reception number sugestioned where you would sit on. I looked for mine. It was the third lowest. I sitted on it. But two people …


2003/09/26 (Fri) Recently some readers had written message to me. Thanks! I have hope. First, I want watch movie which is "Jeison VS Freasy". Or "Fready VS Jeison". I don't know whichi is light. (Do I want to watch it really ?)I want to go…

I’m happy !

2003/09/22 (Mon) Someone had written message on my board. I'm happy ! And my diary was adden someone's faverite list. Plese teach me , who are you ?In mornig I was in cocoon. And I felt that nobody want to access me. I wanted to escape fro…


2003/09/21 (Sun) I began to read "StarWars". It is interesting. I want to appear this movie. For it, what shall I do?

I like the words.

2003/09/14 (Sun) I'm reading a novel. It said very good words. "They are your enemy. You have no enemies except yourself." It means that there are many people. One takes excelent score , anothe has good face. And you may be jealous of them…

Do you know ”RED DWARF” ?

2003/09/11 (Thu) Do you know "RED DWARF"? It is very famous draam in England. I'll talk this story. In future , spaceship REDDWARF flies in space. But accident happens. All of most staffs died. Only one survived. And the other revirsed for…


2003/08/22 (Fri) さて、そろそろ内容に入らないとやばそうです。 2日目はMADDの作った教育的ビデオ、CMが放映されました。 通訳がなかったのですが、画像を見ているだけでもけっこう理解できたと自負しています。 中でも有名な映画(マトリックス、…


てすと 2003/08/12 (Tue) 日記にトラブル発生?確認のためかきこします。


Tanabata 2003/07/07 (Mon) Today it is Tanabata ! It is a big event in Japan. We congratulate a couple of legend. They meet once in a year. It is today. In addition that we write wishes.I found many wishes in a store near home. They had bee…


2003/06/25 (Wed) I went to public hall.For sudyaing about creative therapy. There are many ways in it. I'll create collage and study it. From leaving time to arriving time , I made much mistake. For instance , I got a wrong station , thoro…

Score of TOEIC

2003/06/20 (Fri) Today I got score of TOEIC. It is over 500. It is my best ! First and second were both under 400. I am glad ! I want to take over 730 next time.


2003/06/09 (Mon) Today I watched 'MATRIX RELOADED'. It was very exciting. Especially, Neo (he is central character) VS Argent Smith"s". It was so nice that I can't stop laghing. Young people shouldn't watch it. Because I'm afraid that he i…

I went to library.

I have been to the library of the next city. It was first time for me. No sooner had I arrived, I looked for the book of a miniature. There was "a miniature of India." I decided to borrow it without staying because I favorite India too. I …