

I took TOEIC.It had Listenning part.This time, it was very easy.At least I felt so.Next we took Reading part.I had a plan.What was that?I glanced all and mdrked from the easiest one.I succeeded.I hope to acheeve an excellent score! >Missno…


Today I had chestache.It was not continued but happened many times.I don't know why.I'm afraid about my liver.


After working we went to a restaurant. We enjoyed talking. Especiallity about expressing from a mouth (下呂). THere were me and two men and one efmale. She often insited her charm. Sure she was very cute. But she wants to become groun-up f…


I drank tonight with members of the company.We enjoyed talking.One of new members joined it.She was good speaker. >Missnoodle Thanks your message.Yes! I think too.I'll study Japanese too.


I began to translate.I finished 18 pages.I looked up 344 words.I want to do it moqe quick.For it I want to increase my vocabulary.