
2003/06/25 (Wed)

I went to public hall.For sudyaing about creative therapy.
There are many ways in it.
I'll create collage and study it.
From leaving time to arriving time , I made much mistake.
For instance , I got a wrong station , thorowed a coin to wrong hole.
Because of my fatigue.
Not always like this.

I arrived. We beagn to make a collage.
How to do it ? I'll explain.
We cut out from the magazine as we like.
It is called piece.
And we stuck on a paper.
When it was compleated , we fnisih.
Finally the specialist look at it and can know his character and feeling.
Most of piece is pictures.
But mine was not.All characters.
It was first time for me.
We , especiallly me , want to know explain of him.
But it was too short time to listen.
I am sad and looking forwars to next time !