

今回はあらさがしの薦めです。 といっても、他人の欠点であるところの「あら」ではなく、 魚の「あら」のこと。 数日前、魚が体にいいという話を雑誌で読みました。 デパートで安い魚を探すと、安いのはやはりあらでした。 鯛のあらを買いました。 一番安か…

Alchemistic Week

5月15日から一週間が経った。 この一週間の間に多くのことがあった。 例えば、 ・十年間顔を見ていない知己に駅のトイレで偶然遇った。 (日曜学校で知りいました) ・数年ぶりに、自分が通っていた看護学校の付属していた病院に行った。 (付き添いとし…

Can I fly ?

動物占いというのをしてみました。 (結果:http://www.ddart.co.jp/doubutu/d127.html) 分類:芸術家であるペガサス 似ている有名人:赤毛のアン 適職:創造的な仕事、グラッフィックデザイナーやライターなど 主義主張:こだわりが強い分、筋が通らない事…


現在アパートに住んでます。 隣人はいいひとです。 とても明るく笑います。 お茶を点てるのがうまいです。 ご飯をつくるのがうまいです。 寝起きで、俺の髪の毛がおったっていると楽しそうに笑います。 寒そうな格好をしていると心配してつっこみをいれます…


I caught cold.I have headach.

And the world began to move...

Recently many events happened.Spring brang happiness.


Today I ate a hot and spicy bread.Thank you missnoodl! I'll write again before long.


I watched a movie whose name was "Identity(アイデンティー)".This story began in a motel.There ten people.They were killed one by one.Who killed them? What means of title? If you want to know, you'll watch it.It's very terrivol.But I recomm…


Today Japan faced Korean in the world cup.And they won!


Do you know Escher(エッシャー)? He is very famous actor.He drawed eternity on his picture. I like him.I bought his goods.They were very expensive!

Nobody lives forever

Bluce Willis(ブルース・ウィリス) played Hitman in the movie and said ~Everyone dies sooner or later~.Of course he was right.I would die too.Then what shall I do? The best way was to make a reminder.It was the book transrated by me. P.S I w…


I'm looking forward to 2000th custmer.I don't know who it is.Please teach me your name.Hello! Missnoodle. Thank your message.I began to listen a radio for studying English.Please teach me again.I say again THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

My bones sounded

When I talked the companies, I sitted with a sound from my bones.They laughed.According to a girl of them, because my body was very dry.Please give me moistndss.By the way this diary counts how many costmers come.And 2000th will come befor…

Supersize me

I want to watch Supersize me(スーパーサイズ・ミー). Recently I don't study English. I need studying harder !


I watched AVP(エイリアンVS.プレデター). It was very bad. Their horrible was less than I had thought. And almost all characters didn't have character. Only GM of the company was goood. What do they want to say ? Action was bad. I can't u…


When I took lunch with the companies, one of them talked.She insisted that a parson who could see a ghost had a mark on his arm.We showed our arm in turn. After all I had it.Sure I had seen a ghost.But only once.

TV program

The new program began.Its name was "Gallary Fake(ギャラリーフェイク)". After all I watched it only a few minutes.I thought that a main character was too cool and a main heroine was too cute.Why?

New year, New program

As you know, a new year came.And there were new TV programs.Especially I want to watch "Galley Fake"! But it'll be broadcasted at midnight.Shall I watch?

New House

Today I moved the new house.It was near a station.It was very convinient. Today I transrated again.I enjoyed.


Today I clearned the room.I was very tired.There were many dusts. And I'll throw away them.


Tonight we went to Sentou.There were many people. We go to it every year. I enjoyed taking a bath.

A happy new year!

A new year began! I hope it is good one. I say that I'll write this diary.At least five days par a week.Dear.Missnoodle A happy new year! And thanks your message.I wish you to correct this diary.Please.